Why does
Schedaero exist?

Because we knew we could do flight ops better. By “we”, we mean the team at Avinode Group, the same creators of the first online marketplace for air charter. Together with our wonderful customers, we have fundamentally changed how flight departments and brokers buy and sell air charter through Avinode.

With 20 years of building world-class software under our belt, we’re on a mission to transform how flight departments, charter operators, and brokers run their operations with Schedaero. Our goal to simplify the day-to-day operations in a single platform is the driving force behind our team. With that in mind, Schedaero is constantly evolving to better suit our customers and the growing and fast-paced needs of flight operators across the United States.

Who is using Schedaero?

Schedaero powers flight operations for over 350 Part 135 and Part 91 operators combined. Our members include everyone from small operators a handful of pilots and a single plane to much larger and complex organizations with multiple plans and over 70 pilots. Regardless of the size or sophistication of the aviation operator, Schedaero is a simple and robust tool to help grow and flex with your operational needs.

Is Schedaero... Swedish?

No. But also yes. We’re a blend. We have an office in Portland, full of Americans that are uncharacteristically soft-spoken. Because they’re developers, for the most part. And then there’s our Miami office. They are louder. Schedaero’s HQ (the HQ of Avinode Group) is located in Gothenburg, Sweden’s second-largest city, famous for its open-face shrimp sandwiches and dad-joke humor. Our many talents and dispositions are all focused on a single ambitious cause: to build and service the world’s most modern flight scheduling system that addresses the challenges facing business aviation operators across the globe.

Part of the Avinode Group

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Bringing air charter payments together

Paynode offers you the flexibility and comfort of making and receiving payments, exactly the way you want.

Avinode logo in full color

Find aircraft, sell trips, close deals

Avinode connects operators and brokers in the world’s largest marketplace for air charter.

Avinode Group logo in full color

The new business aviation essentials

Everything we do is geared towards fixing the finer points of business aviation for you and your customers.